Tinned Bones (2022)

Parts of a found sheep skeleton were cleaned, separated and placed in miscellaneous tins. The tins were reduction fired, burning off the calcium in the bones and leaving behind only carbon in their shape. Through this process of pyrolysis they become fragile versions of their previous selves.

Sheep bones, Tins, Furnace

Work made possible by New British Art

Mama (2022)

A sarcastic confrontation to Louise Bourgeois’ ‘Maman’ and a nod to the My Chemical Romance song with the same name. Mama is a hollow cast of a tarantula shed surrounded by a ring of salt, poisonous to spiders. Mama lies, trapped, incapable of fulfilling her name.

During a two-week exhibition at Powerhouse, a tiny spider descended from the ceiling and landed on Mama. She became a host to the spider who was unable to cross the ring of salt and the pair cohabited the space for the remainder of the show.

Bronze, Salt ring

Chess Set made from Anal Plugs (2021)

This game invites you to engage in combat in an ironic simulation of our systemic landscape. The game craves to be played by the aristocracy it displaces, penetrating phallocentric structures with the patriarchy’s biggest fear…

Resin casts of Anal Plugs purchased from wish.com, Chess Board